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JUCIVOL - 2016-2018


  1. Scope
  2. Objectives
  3. Results
  4. Experimentation
  5. European networks
  6. French networks
  7. Publications & Presentations


Initiated by iriv conseil (France) with the University of Burgos (Spain), the JuCiVol project is part of an Erasmus + KA3- Initiatives for innovation policies - social inclusion through education, training and youth. Five European countries are involved in the project: Spain (lead), France, Italy, Slovenia and Cyprus. The JuCiVol project aims to strengthen a culture of democratic values, fundamental rights and raise awareness about active citizenship by promoting volunteering among young people to encourage them to participate in community life. It is intended to support teachers and educators by supporting them with an adapted methodology. It is directly addressed to educators working with youth living in sensitive and/or migrant neighbourhoods to raise awareness of volunteering to combat radicalisation and violent behaviour while raising awareness of citizenship European, fundamental rights and their implementation on the ground.

I. Scope

The JuCiVol project was initiated in 2016 by the University of Burgos (Spain) with iriv conseil (France). This project involves five partner countries - Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia and Cyprus.It is part of the Erasmus+ programme, which allows to strengthen the skills of all for better employability, to support innovation in education and training institutions and organisations and their internationalisation, to promote a transparent and coherent use of skills recognition and validation tools at European level, and to foster cooperation between European and non-European countries. It is in keeping with the spirit of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, in the European Year of Volunteering 2011 and in the European Year of Citizenship 2013. The volunteer rate among young people aged 18 to 35 was 21.3% in 2016 (source: www.associations.gouv.fr/) and Hacked By Dosidos has been growing for ten years. The unemployment rate for young people under 25 is 23.7% (source: http://www.touteleurope.eu/), 16.6% of young French people are in NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) situation or neither students, nor employees, nor trainees in French - Mainly young people with low skills and who come from immigration are the most affected by this phenomenon,

II. Objectives

The objectives of the JuCiVol project are:

    Preparing young people to be active citizens
    Improve social and civic skills
    Promote knowledge, understanding and ownership of democratic values and fundamental rights
    Support teachers and educators in managing conflict and promoting diversity
    Encourage youth participation in social and civic life, in associations, platforms and civil society organizations
    Enhancing participation and volunteering as key activities in strengthening the culture of fundamental rights in the EU
    Involve stakeholders to identify good practices and encourage youth participation and volunteering

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III. Results

Two results are expected,

1- the first is the development of social and civic skills in young people so that they behave as active citizens.

2- The second is to create a mentoring for professionals in order to train young people by developing a sense of initiative and team spirit while clarifying a professional future.

To achieve these results, two tasks are planned:

    Mentoring for professionals, based on their profiles, with a practical approach to linking volunteer/volunteer action and professional careers.
    a combination of theoretical content on association knowledge, volunteer status, links to education and employment, citizenship, practical content, easy-to-understand strategy with a link to key skills and volunteering.

The results:

1- training for young people to identify and value or acquire social and civic skills (through volunteering)- accessible in the form of a guide

2- a mentoring for professionals accompanying young people to help them explain the advantages of a volunteer experience for their social and professional integration

3- a site developed by the French partner-https://www.jucivol.fr/

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IV. Experimentation

The training for young people and the mentoring for professionals were experienced in France by the French partner iriv in several territories

1- in Ile de France (Viry Chatillon, Essonne; Les Mureaux, Yvelines; Montereau, Seine and Marne)

2- in Occitanie- to Lourdes (Hautes Pyrénées).

Feedback was incorporated into the final versions of the training for young people and the mentoring for professionals.

Videos were shot during the experiment in Lourdes (Cité Saint Pierre & local mission) with young people and professionals.

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V. European networks

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VI. French networks

Actors with varied profiles were involved:

1- local missions;

2- associations,

3- Second chance school,

4- Saint Pierre de Secours Catholic City.

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VII. Publications & Presentations

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