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VAB- Valoriser les acquis buissonniers - 2009-2011

VAB- Valoriser les acquis buissonniersVAB- Valoriser les acquis buissonniers

  1. Scope
  2. Objectives
  3. Results
  4. Experimentation
  5. European networks
  6. French networks
  7. Publications & Presentations


Many European countries are faced to high levels of unemployment among youngsters. Universities around the European Union have tried to bridge the gap between the knowledge they deliver and the demands of the labor market. In this perspective, they have tried to express their diplomas in terms of skills and competences. This is one of the key points of the recent reform LMD (Licence, Master, Doctorate) to propose a common framework to European universities to enhance transparency and mutual recognition of the diplomas and as a result the validation of their students' skills and competences. The main reproach made to youngsters is to lack of a professional experience. The VAB project aims at proposing a pedagogical tool for teachers/trainers teaching at the University together with an e-training to allow them to integrate non-formal/formal learning of their students/trainees acquired outside university in their global evaluation. Thanks to the VAB, they will be able to value the personal, social and professional experience acquired by their students/trainees beyond the University in order to enhance their professional integration. The expected impact of the VAB project is a better preparation of teachers/trainers working at the University to answer the labor market's needs.

Thanks to the reform of the universities all around Europe, the same common framework has been organized: Licence, Master, Doctorate (LMD). So that the diplomas are more comparable from one country to another especially for the employers. This is a key issue to enhance mobility in Europe. Moreover, each of the countries has made an effort to express the content of the diplomas/certificates with regards to the skills and competences acquired and their link with the labour market (types of employment to be proposed). Nevertheless, the unemployment among youngsters is still high; the time to find a first job has been increased for the graduates. One of the main reproaches made by employers is their lack of experience even though many youngsters could justify of valuable personal, social or professional experiences that might be useful on the labour market. The teachers/trainers would require a complementary evaluation of their students taking into account the skills and competences they acquire and develop outside the educational system through their personal, social or professional experiences. They know how to assess traditional knowledge of their students/trainees using a grid of evaluation based on the content of their course. They do not have any methodology nor pedagogical tool to assess non-formal and informal learning of their students/trainees. This is the aim of the VAB project to provide such a pedagogical tool.



I. Scope

Initiated by iriv together with the University of Evry Val d'Essonne under the "Lifelong learning" programme (call for proposal 2009), under the Leonardo da Vinci programme, the project is meant to identify, value and validate experience acquired by students beyond the University. Five countries have been associated : France, Austria, Greece, Eire and Poland. This is a transfer of innovation of former LdV project initiated and directed by Iriv ; the project is supported by the European programme Leonardo da Vinci.

II. Objectives

The main aims and objectives of the project should be:

The e-portfolio and e-training will be experimented among selected teachers/trainers in the 5 countries to make it clear, usable and understandable. Networks of teachers/trainers, university/training bodies, experts in lifelong learning, professionals in 5 different labour markets with different professional backgrounds will be built in the 5 countries in order to enhance the use of the tool and method. The expected impact is to enhance training of teachers/trainers at the University meant to support the professional integration of their students and enhance a global evaluation of the students.

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III. Results

The main results to be achieved through the VAB project ae :

  1. a pedagogical tool, a portfolio ;
  2. a digital portfolio, an e-portfolio ;
  3. an e-training course ;
  4. reports on the experimentation of the e-portfolio and e-traning provided ;
  5. networks of teachers/trainers ; universities/training bodies ; experts in life long learning ; professionals of the labour market ;
  6. newsletter and website for the dissemination of the results ;
  7. web log for the experimentation ;
  8. articles and publications on the results achieved

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IV. Experimentation

The experimentation of the e-portfolio was implemented by the University of Evry Val d'Essonne

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V. European networks

die Berater Partner
Hellenic Open Université Partner
iriv Coordinator
University of Evry Project leader
University of Limerick Partner
University of Ljubljana Partner

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VI. French networks

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VII. Publications & Presentations






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