VAEB - 2003-2006
- Scope
- Object
- Objectives
- Public
- Results
- Project's partners
- State of play
- Consultation
- Portfolio and support guide
- Experimentation
- European networks
- Publications & Presentations
VII. State of play
The first stage of AVE project, the state of art, is a description of the actuality of voluntarism and of the associations, for each of the seven countries.
The following questions were asked: how important is volunteering in each country? what is the profile of the volunteers: age, gender, domain of activity? what is the legal framework for volunteering ? are there initiatives for assessing voluntary experience?
The following data are presented in the state of art: the volunteers' population: an evaluation of the national volume of voluntary work, the number and the profile of the volunteers in each of the seven countries, the main domains of activity ; the missions fulfilled by the volunteers and the kind of services proposed ; the legal framework of volunteering: laws and any official text concerning voluntary activity ; studies, research and any initiatives for assessing voluntary experience in each of the seven countries: some countries have already assessed voluntary experience, laws recognizing voluntary work as a professional experience have been promulgated in France and in the United Kingdom.
Here are the states of art for each of the seven countries:
in France | |
in Germany | |
in Austria | |
in Hungary | |
in Italy | |
in Poland | |
in United Kingdom |
VIII. Consultation → ← VI. Project's partners