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VAEB - 2003-2006

Vaeb Vaeb Vaeb

  1. Scope
  2. Object
  3. Objectives
  4. Public
  5. Results
  6. Project's partners
  7. State of play
  8. Consultation
  9. Portfolio and support guide
  10. Experimentation
  11. European networks
  12. Publications & Presentations

VII. State of play

The first stage of AVE project, the state of art, is a description of the actuality of voluntarism and of the associations, for each of the seven countries.

The following questions were asked: how important is volunteering in each country? what is the profile of the volunteers: age, gender, domain of activity? what is the legal framework for volunteering ? are there initiatives for assessing voluntary experience?

The following data are presented in the state of art: the volunteers' population: an evaluation of the national volume of voluntary work, the number and the profile of the volunteers in each of the seven countries, the main domains of activity ; the missions fulfilled by the volunteers and the kind of services proposed ; the legal framework of volunteering: laws and any official text concerning voluntary activity ; studies, research and any initiatives for assessing voluntary experience in each of the seven countries: some countries have already assessed voluntary experience, laws recognizing voluntary work as a professional experience have been promulgated in France and in the United Kingdom.

Here are the states of art for each of the seven countries:

in France France
in Germany Allemagne
in Austria Autriche
in Hungary Hongrie
in Italy Italie
in Poland Pologne
in United Kingdom Royaume-Uni

VIII. Consultation → ← VI. Project's partners