Projects attached to the partner Fédération Familles rurales Pays de Loire
Key Tutors- former des tuteurs aux compétences clés - 2015-2017

The 8 Key competences are the European Framework adopted by the European Commission & Parliament in 2006 in order to enhance the competence approach in Europe. It takes into account 4 basice competences. France combines KC1 – communication in the mother tongue and KC6- social and civic competence. Spain combines KC 2 – communication in a foreign language and KC8- cultural awareness and expression. Lithuania combines KC3- Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology and KC 5- Learning to learn. Finland combines KC4- digital competences and KC7- sense of initiative and entrepreneurship. Poland combines KC1- communication in the mother tongue and KC5- Learning to learn.
Vaeb - 2003-2006

A l'initiative de l'Iriv, il réunit 14 partenaires dans 7 pays européens (France, Allemagne , Autriche , Hongrie , Italie , Pologne et Royaume-Uni). Il a été financé grâce à la Commission européenne (programme communautaire Leonardo da Vinci "Former et éduquer tout au long de la vie".) et avec un soutien du Conseil régional de Champagne Ardenne pour l'expérimentation en France.