The term qualification covers different aspects:
1. formal qualification: the formal outcome (certficate, diploma or title) of an assessment and validation process which is obtained when a competent body determines that an individual has achieved learning outcomes to given standards and/or possesses the necessary competences to do a job in a specific area of work. A qualification confers official recognition of the value of learning outcomes in the labour market and in education and training. A qualification can be a legal entitlement to practice a trade (OECD);
2. job requirements: the knowledge, aptitudes and skills required to perform the specific tasks attached to a particular work position (ILO);
3. personal attributes: the sum of kniwledge, know-how, skills and/or competences acquired by an individual in formal, non-formal and/or informal settings.
qualification framework
instrument for the development and classification of qualifications (e.g at national or sectoral level) according to a set of criteria (e.g using descriptors) applicable to specified levels of learning outcomes.
qualification system
a system which provides rules governing all aspects of education and training activities leading to recognition of learning outcomes at national or sectoral level, including:
1. definition of qualification policy, training design and implementation, institutional arrangements, funding, quality assurance;
2. assessment, validation and certification of learning outcomes,
3. mechanisms that link education and training to the labour market and civil society.
Reference: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP), 2001, 2002 & 2009.
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