Cliquez sur le drapeau d'un pays pour consulter la bibliographie correspondante:
Bibliographie - Bulgarie
Bulgarian Center for Not-for profit Law
Draft Law on Volunteering, BCNPL, October 2012
Bulgarian Centre for Not-for-Profit Law
Study on the practices in the governance of NPOs in Bulgaria,, Bulgarian Centre for Not-for-Profit Law , 2005
Bulgarian Centre for Not-for-Profit Law
Economic impact of the activity of non-profit organisations in Bulgaria in 1991-2001, Bulgarian Centre for Not-for-Profit , 2002
Bulgarian Centre for Not-for-profit Law
Legal framework of voluntary activity and volunteers, Bulgarian Centre for Not-for-profit Law, 2002
Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation
Young people and civil society in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation , 2005
Bulgarian Red Cross
Policy on developing volunteering, BRC, 2009
Dessislava Velikova
Country report on the legal status of volunteers in Bulgaria, European Volunteer Centre, 2006
Fonovic, K., Iacobucci, I., Emiryan, H
Report on Volunteering in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Center for Not-for profit , 2011
Foundation Support for Charity in Bulgaria
Youth Volunteering in Bulgaria, Sofia, FSCB, 2010
Information and Society Foundation
Study on the voluntary sector in Bulgaria, ISF, 2002
State Agency for Youth and Sport
Annual Report on Youth Development 2006, SAYS, 2006
Youth Society for Peace and Development of the Balkans
Voluntary Activities – Bulgaria., YSPDB, 2006
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